DV SSL certificate can be installed: the conditions for obtaining a free certificate have been met, and you can request the issuance of the certificate via the "Manage" link
Your request is being processed: the certificate has been requested from the certification authority, and processing takes only a few minutes
DV SSL certificate is ready for installation: the certificate has been successfully issued and is ready to be installed on the website
Certificate invalidation in progress: a request to invalidate (cancel, revoke) the certificate has been submitted
Certificate has been invalidated: the validity of the issued certificate has been canceled (the certificate has been revoked)
Under the "Manage" link (next to the status), you can:
Request a certificate: the certificate will be issued by the certification authority within a few minutes, and you will receive an email notification about the issuance of the certificate
Invalidate the certificate: this action will completely invalidate the already issued certificate for the given domain. A new certificate for the same domain can only be requested after a 14-day waiting period.
In the "DV SSL Certificate Management" section, you can:
Install: in the list of set up subdomains, the current status is always displayed, indicating whether the certificate has already been installed on the specific subdomain. The certificate is valid for all domains but must be installed individually for each existing subdomain.
Uninstall: you can select from the list of subdomains which ones you want to install or uninstall the certificate for.
Uninstalling from the server does not mean invalidating the certificate itself, which remains valid even after uninstallation.
You can cancel the certificate using the "Invalidate Certificate" button.