Changing the contact details for the contact in the central register (CZ.NIC) can be done using the form available on our website
You can find it here:
1. See the website at
2. Click on "domain names" at the top of the screen.
3. Click on .CZ domains in the left menu.
4. At the bottom right of the screen in the objects change section, click on object´s details change (domain name, contact, NSSET, KEYSET).
The direct link is here:
In the form, select the Object type you need to change (contact). Enter the contact identifier in the field "object´s ID (name)" and click the "Send request" button.
In the next step, enter the required authorization password for the contact - if you do not know it, you can have it sent to the contact's email using "Password unknown" button.
AUTH-ID is only valid for 14 days.


If you have the necessary password, you will be able to edit the contact details directly, after entering it in the form. You can change outdated information in your contact, the change will be visible immediately. You cannot change the legal form in the contact, or the name of the company (organization) if it is a legal entity. If you need to change the company name, then you need to create a new contact.
We do not recommend to use the same contact email as the domain (for example: for we do not recommend to use the contact email info@ If the domain becomes nonfunctional for any reason (domain expiration, late renewal, nonfunctional DNS record....), complications may arise - your contact email for the domain will not work and you will not be able to edit your contact details.
To obtain an ID, go to Type your domain name in the "Search in registry" field. CZ.NIC will display the complete data about your domain, including the identifiers of the contacts assigned to the domain - see pictures (the resulting contact ID is underlined in red). You can enter this ID in the previous form and you can also have a password sent to you to authorize the change.

What to do when the email for sending authorization password is not available:
If the email, to which the password can be sent for authorization, is not available, it is necessary to use the form from CZ.NIC. Password can be sent to another email. The generated request must then be printed and sent with a certified signature of the contact person to the central registry address (Customer Support, CZ.NIC, z. s. p. o., Americká 23, 120 00 Prague 2). CZ.NIC will send you a password to another email address (which you specify in the application). Once you have received the password, you can proceed in the usual way described above.
The form for sending password to a different email is here ->
As a "Object type" select “Contact”
As a "Domain (without www. prefix) / Handle" enter contact ID
As a "Send to" select "custom email"
We do not recommend to use the same contact email as the domain (for example: for we do not recommend to use the contact email info@ If the domain becomes nonfunctional for any reason (domain expiration, late renewal, nonfunctional DNS record....), complications may arise - your contact email for the domain will not work and you will not be able to edit your contact details.