Administration of the GIGAMail

GIGA mail is a comprehensive additional service for your domain.
Each purchased GIGA mail add-on includes 1 GB of storage space for your emails, which you can use to increase the capacity of your email inboxes.

Depending on your webhosting variant, you can set the size of individual email inboxes in increments of 1 GB, up to a maximum of 30 GB.
  • Easy variant - 10 GB
  • Advanced variant - 20 GB
  • Professional variant - 30 GB
The management of inbox capacity can be found in your customer administration (it cannot be managed directly via webmail).

1. Logging into the GIGA mail interface
Log in to the customer administration at

Select Webhosting (1) in the left menu, and then choose the desired hosting from the hosting list (2).

On the website settings page, go to the E-mails (3) tab. The inbox size management can be found in [Gigamails settings] (4).

2. Interface description
The interface window displays a list of individual inboxes, their currently set quotas, and inbox usage.

The maximum inbox size is shown in the header of the list (here 20 GB) along with information on how many GB you have used.

3. Changing inbox size and capacity overview
The basic size of each inbox is 1 GB. This size does not count towards the purchased space limit.

In the inboxes of our domain, 13 GB is used.
  • - has 4 GB set above the basic capacity (total size 5 GB)
  • - has 9 GB set above the basic capacity (total size 10 GB)
   → 4 + 9 = 13

For further increasing inbox capacity, you can use: 25 - 13 = 12 GB

For inboxes and, it won’t be possible to reduce the size - they have a basic size of 1 GB.

The size of all inboxes can be increased up to 20 GB per inbox (see hosting variant).

Size changes are done using the green button + (increase) and the red button - (decrease).

Each size change is applied only after clicking the Save button.

4. Purchasing additional space for your inboxes
To order, click the Order additional GIGA mail button. Clicking it will take you directly to the order basket for hosting additional services.

In the order form, go to the Email Services section and choose the capacity you want to add (number of GIGA mails). You can also see how many GIGA mails you already purchased.

You can also order additional services through the web hosting or Package additional services or by using a direct link.

The purchased capacity is automatically updated in the GIGA mail interface. But you have to change the sizes of mailboxes in administration of GIGA mail, see above.