Generic domains (gTLDs, transnational) do not refer to any country in the world and can consist of three or more-letter domain extensions. The administrator of generic domains is ICANN, see:
Rules for generic domain registration: - can only contain the characters [a-z, 0-9, -], diacritics are supported (IDN)
- the maximum length of a domain name is 63 characters and the minimum is 2 characters
- the domain name must not contain the character '-' at the beginning or end of the domain name
- the character "-" cannot be used twice in a row
- a domain can be registered for a maximum period of 10 years
- domain registration can be done by any person or company (including foreign ones)
Generic domain can be ordered directly on our website
1. Enter the domain name in the box displayed and select the required domain extension
2. Then, if you wish, you can choose other domain extensions with the same domain name
3. You must then confirm the Rules for registering domain names in gTLDs and the Rights and obligations of the domain owner in gTLDs according to ICANN rules, see below:

4. You will then be redirected to an additional services that you can also order for the domain
5. You can register the domain into a newly created customer account or log into an existing one.
6. In the last step, a summary of the order is displayed. You also need to accept the General Terms and Conditions and related contractual documents, see: 7. Once the order is completed, you are automatically redirected to select the payment method
After paying the pro forma invoice, the domain is automatically sent to the central registry for registration and within a few hours (usually 24 hours) the domain is visible as registered in the WHOIS database.
It is not possible to register a domain on the basis of a copy of a bank account with details of a payment order. In order to register, payment must be processed by our billing system.
The domain is not reserved for registration after the order is placed. This only happens when the payment is indicated as accepted in the system. Until that time, the domain is still available for other interested parties.
The customer will receive information about the completion of the domain registration to the contact email provided in the order.
VALIDATION of owner's contact
After registering a domain, it is possible, that the domain owner will receive a confirmation email directly from the TUCOWS central registry. This email will contain a link to confirm the contact details of the domain owner. This email must be confirmed within 15 days of domain registration.
If the validation email is not confirmed by the owner, the domain will be automatically suspended by the central registry and will no longer be functional.
We do not recommend to use the same contact email as the domain (for example: for we do not recommend to use the contact email info@ If the domain becomes nonfunctional for any reason (domain expiration, late renewal, nonfunctional DNS record....), complications may arise - your contact email for the domain will not work and you will not be able to edit your contact details.