SMTP server configuration - DNS records check

DNS records of the domain of sender and recipient are checked on the server These domain have to set MX or A record. The mailserver recognizes from the MX or A record, where to deliver the send email, or the message error, if the email was not successfuly delivered.
  • Recipient's domain must have valid MX or A DNS record 
When you send a message to the email address whose domain doesn't return any MX or A DNS record, the message will be rejected. 
  • MS Outlook will send your emails to the valid recipients (if the message is addressed to more recipients) and return an error message (as a new email) containing information about which recipients were invalid. 
  • Thunderbird, Opera Mail – the message will not be sent, error alert "Invalid destination domain" is displayed. Your message will be moved to the folder Sent Item or Sent. It is necessary to correct or remove invalid recipients from list of recipients. 
  • Webmail instead of sending the message, POP-UP window containing server's response is displayed.

Server's response: 
 5.1.1 piWs1j0010jifNx01iWsdh invalid destination domain 
 What to do if you get this error message: Check and correct the address of recipients in your message according to the error message.

  • Sender's domain must have valid MX or A DNS record 
If sender's domain doesn't return any MX or A DNS record, the message will be also rejected.

Server's response: 
 5.1.1 piWs1j0010jifNx01iWsdh invalid domain 
 What to do if you get this error message: Check the MX and A records of sender's domain - if they are set and available (you can use the online tool If you think that DNS records are set correctly, contact our customer support on the portal
 There can be more reasons why the sender's domain doesn't have any valid DNS record set. The sender's domain could have expired, the DNS record has not been set yet, etc. It is not possible to reply such email or return the error message. Therefore, it is better to inform the sender 
immediately  that their domain hasn't correctly set DNS record.
 Note: The SMTP server distinguishes the authentication account's address and sender's email address, e.g you can use as sender's email address the domain alias. The SMTP server checks the sender's email address.