Zpráva dorazí z emailu
V předmětu bude tento text nebo podobný: "
Your domain registration - additional action required (case xxxxxxx)"
Samotný text je poté následující (vizte níže): jsou tam vypsané domény, u kterých se validace vyžaduje a také jméno, příjmení popř. název organizace a adresa majitele. Na daný email tedy stačí odpovědět a doložit potřebné dokumenty.
V případě FO nepodnikatele a podnikatele kopie občanského průkazu nebo cestovního pasu.
V případě právnické osoby výpis z OR nebo jiného rejstříku. Domain Names:
* domain.co.uk
* domain1.co.uk
Unfortunately we have been unable to validate the registrant details that you have provided for the domain names as you have provided name details that we have been unable to automatically identify against public data sources.
Registrant Name: xxxxxxxxxx
It is possible that your details are correct, but that they do not appear on public data sources available to us. Please review your details by logging into your Online Services account and making any necessary corrections to your information ensuring that your name is entered in full. If on review you find that your name has already been entered correctly please provide us with documentary evidence (copy of official ID or incorporation certificate etc) so that we can validate your details and process your application. Please attach this by reply or send directly to case-1617256@workflow.nominet.org.uk. Alternatively please fax or post copies of the documentation to us quoting your domain names.
Please note that any domain names you subsequently register with matching name and address information will be included in this process
To correct your details please log into Online Services at: http://www.nominet.org.uk/go/login
* Click on 'Domain List'
To correct the registrant name:
* Click 'edit' next to your registrant name
* You will then be able to correct the registrant name
We have also notified your registrar.
Please contact the Data Validation Team if you need any assistance.
Kind regards,
Data Validation Team
T +44 (0) 1865 332222 F +44 (0) 1865 332288 E validation@nominet.org.uk http://www.nominet.org.uk
Any documentary evidence that you provide will be used solely for the purpose of validating the data on the domain name register, and will not retained any longer than is necessary for that purpose. In any event, copies of your documents will not be retained any longer than three months from the date on which you submit them. The documentation provided will not be passed on to any third parties.
Nominet UK is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England under No. 3203859. Our registered office is Minerva House, Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park, Oxford, OX4 4DQ, England.