Incoming emails limitiation on the mailserver

When an email is delivered to the mailserver, it is checked against spam, phishing and viruses etc. The sender can get an error message with some of these errors:
552 5.1.1 5.2.2 sorry, final recipient mailbox is full (chkuser)
  • - the mailbox of recipient is full. Try to contact the recipient by another way and inform them about their full mailbox. Or you can send us a ticket on the portal and we will contact the owner of the hosting.
550 5.1.1 <xxx> sender is blocklisted
  • - the sender is on a blocklist. It means, that the recipient has set blocklist for his email address and the sender matches some record in this blocklist. Try to contact the recipient by another way. Or you can send us a ticket on the portal and we will contact the owner of the hosting.
552 5.2.0 0biL1i00V1cmcpM01biL4w spam detected
  • - the message was rejected as spam. In this case, the recipient has set "Automatic rejection of spams". Try to contact the recipient by another way and to ask him to add your email address to their whitelist. Or you can send us a ticket on the portal and we will contact the owner of the hosting.
550 5.1.0 0bcW1i00G0jifNx01bcmHa blocked by SPF
  • - the message was rejected due to the SPF. The sender's domain has set the SPF record (Sender Policy Framework) that determines the IPs from which emails from the domain can be sent. If an email is delivered from a not allowed IP, it is rejected due to the SPF hardfail reason. It can happen if the original message was forwarded or sent from the smtp server of Internet Service Provider etc. More info in the article SPF records and forwarded messages.
552 bizsmtp 0bqv1i0054rvCQt01 DMARC validation failed
- the mesage was rejected due to DMARC. Email pass the DMARC check, if it has valid DKIM sign of the domain of the sender in From parameter in the header of email. In the opposite case, if the domain of the sender has set policy "reject" in the DMARC record, email is rejected with our mailserver. Check please, if the SPF record is set correctly and if all sent emails are signed with DKIM.
554 bizsmtp 0bcW1i00G0jifNx01bcmHa no DNS reverse for x.x.x.x
550 5.1.0 1Qk81i01C0kRQ6S01QkX4j invalid domain
  • - the domain of the sender has not set valid MX or A record. Often it happens when the domain has expired.
550 5.1.0 1Qk81i01C0kRQ6S01QkX4j invalid destination domain
  • - the domain of the recipient has not set valid MX or A record. Often it happens when the domain has expired.
Connection refused from x.x.x.x. See for more information
- the IP of the outgoing server is blocklisted on the Spamhaus blocklist.  The administrator of outgoing server has to arrange removing the IP from the Spamhaus blocklist.

Connection refused from See for more information.
  • - the IP of the outgoing server is blocklisted on the Cloudmark blocklist.  The administrator of outgoing server has to arrange removing the IP from the blocklist using the link Or you can contact our support.
554 bizsmtp 0bqv1i0054rvCQt01 Bad attachment
  • - delivered email contains the attachment with not allowed extension (com, exe, pif, bat, scr, cpl, cmd, dll, lnk, inf, msi, sct, vbs, vb, vbe, js, wsf, iso, hta, rdp). If you need to send a file with some of this extension in attachment, you can pack the attached file (e.g. zip).
5.0.0 smtp; 550 5.1.1 gaui1p0062iCB6t01auiH0 Sorry, relay access denied, see
552 5.2.0 3uIuoxDF8NY6C3uIuoXBCJ Message too Big
  • - the size of the incomming message can't be bigger than 100 MB, bigger messages are rejected.

552 5.2.2 0bqv1i0054rvCQt01 Mass Message too Big
   - when a mass mail is delivered, its final size is got as the product of the size and the number of the resipients of the email. This final size can't be bigger than 190.000.000 B, approximately 190 MB.